Commercial Page Andries-3

Conradie Inc. helps corporate as well as private clients to establish, manage and restructure their business entities.

Co-operatives are a unique business form that can be used in an innovative way to find sustainable solutions for your business.


We provide assistance in finding the best possible solutions to resolve disputes between two or more parties who are in conflict and have difficulty communicating with each other, through methods of mediation.

We assist with resolving deadlocks and disputes during negotiations.


When mediation fails or is inappropriate, or where an opponent has no interest in a speedy resolution of a dispute and plays for time, litigation is the only option available. What is then important, is that it is conducted with focus, speed and skill.


Conradie Inc. has a firm understanding and detailed knowledge of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008, its regulations and their application, including all licence applications and the requirements for any type of liquor licence.


As the world becomes more and more integrated and competition intensifies, the pressure on similar businesses in a sector to merge and consolidate becomes more and more intense.

commercial team
Andries Conradie1

Andries Conradie

Lizette Nortje1

Lizette Nortje

Financial Manager

Lizette was Born in Port Elizabeth, and she matriculated at Elsburg High School. She obtained diplomas for Bookkeeping Level I and II at Hartwell Business Institute, Edenvale and a diploma in the Administration of Estates at UNISA. She is also a Commissioner of Oaths. Lizette has 30 years accounting experience and has been employed at Conradie Inc. for the past 15 years.

Bernie Horn1

Bernie Horn


Born in Worcester. Bernie matriculated at Essellenpark Senior Secondary High School, Worcester and completed her Tertiary Education at George College. Bernie has been employed at Conradie Inc. for the past 12 years.

Letitia Cornelius1

Leticia Cornelius

Filing Clerk

Leticia was born in Worcester and matriculated at Breërivier Senior Secondary High School. She has been employed at Conradie Inc. for the past 33 years.

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