Mergers, Acquisitions & Restructuring

Mergers, Acquisitions & Restructuring
As the world becomes more and more integrated and competition intensifies, the pressure on similar businesses in a sector to merge and consolidate becomes more and more intense. The benefits of economy of scale, bigger market penetration and a reduction in competition are increasingly compelling businesses to merge in order to survive and prosper. Agri-businesses are no exception.
Conradie Inc. has been involved in the restructuring and consolidation of a large number of agri-businesses, many of which grew out of the old co-operatives. We are familiar with the law and processes involved, but, more importantly, also with the need to reconcile the hopes and fears of the stakeholders of the merging entities. Their histories, cultures and sentiments often differ and clash, and harmonising it is often the true challenge of a merger or acquisition in the agricultural sector. We understand this and have compassion for it. We know agri-culture, the ways and customs of farmers and farming communities. We have, after all, been practicing in a large farming community for more than 60 years. This enables us to contribute more than just legal advice to merging parties in the sector; it enables us to manage and reconcile cultural differences and expectations, to the parties’ mutual benefit. This is not an easy thing to do and in the process our firm generates substantial value for the merging parties. We have compassion for farmers and their ways, and it shows in our work.

Andries Conradie