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Water Law


We will only take on matters in which we can add value and from which our client will benefit - the rest we decline.


Conradie Inc. has a strong focus on legislation regarding the supply of water and water rights. Water law reflects the law dealing with water management and the provision of water services in South Africa and is a very specialised field.

The structure and dispensation of the South African water law has undergone a drastic change since the National Water Act, 36 of 1998 (NWA)  came into force.  The purpose of the NWA is to ensure that the nation’s water resources are protected, used, developed, conserved, managed and controlled in ways that are sustainable and beneficial to all persons. The National Government is declared the public trustee of the nation’s water resource and has the power to regulate the use, flow and control of all water in the Republic.

The Breede Valley is one of the most important Agricultural Regions in the Western Cape Province in the context of the South African wine industry. The area is also one of the most prominent regions in the production of grapes, deciduous fruits, vegetables, etc.

Our team has knowledge of the NWA and the previous acts, regulations and case law that governed our country's water resources. We have the expertise and experience to assist in any water related matter, including any water use rights dispute or the registration or transfer of water use rights.


John Erasmus

John Erasmus1